
It's the end of January 2022, time to plan my vacation for the year. Since I still have nine days of vacation left from last year that have to be used up by the end of March, I have to think quickly. For a few years now, I've been watching a winter motorcycle meeting that I'd like to attend. Well, it’s not the crystal rally, which is very famous, which I couldn’t find any information anymore about, but anyway. So I had a look to their webpage and checked whether I can still register. The registration deadline was the beginning of December, what a bummer. Well, I can still ask how it looks, and as everybody knows, asking is for free. One day later, I already had the answer that registration is still possible.

Oops, now it could get stressful, I need to be ready and  off in a week and a half. Even though I've bought some great new winter motorcycle clothing, there are still a few other things that would be helpful. So I immediately started searching the Internet for heated underwear or something similar, since the expected temperatures could well be in the double-digit minus range and you might be out for more than two hours, which can happen for me even in the off-season, also known as winter among motorcyclists. I should also change the standard oil, but time is in short supply,

so get it changed. Something a little more liquid for the cold temperatures, so that the engine lubrication works properly. And so the time went by in a flash. I should also perhaps apply for some vacation, and the next morning first I went to my boss right away.

To make matters worse, my front tire, which I would have driven a few thousand kilometers on here, was no longer suitable for the expected road conditions in Norway. The BMW garage, I normally go, couldn't get one quickly, so I looked for alternatives. After a few phone calls, I found one. Since I had planned my first stopover with friends in Wolfsburg anyway, I was able to organize a tire and fitting there, but I'll come back to that in more detail later.

Now I should start packing, or pre-stack things so that I know what I want and need to pack. Warm underwear never hurts, preferably plenty, in case you need an extra layer of onion. A warm jacket that is a bit more comfortable than the motorcycle jacket, and oh dear, when I look at it like that, my suitcases are already full. But I have a bit of packing experience and with a bit of back and forth, two bottles for "colorful pictures" and various care products also found their place.

Hmm, a charger might still be useful in case the battery does die, even though I'm very confident about that. Quickly walk over to the neighbor and ask. Check, we've got that in too, and eight days go by so quickly, I will be off and on the road tomorrow morning.


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05.02.2022 - from home to Wolfsburg (435 km / 270 mls)



2.942 km / 1.828 mls, or even 3,003 km / 1.866 miles if you include the ride in the sidecar, on a winter holiday on a motorbike. Well, if that isn't crazy and awesome at the same time, what is? I'm really happy that I signed up for this experience so spontaneously and took part in it. I'd love to do it again next year. Let's see what I can improve on my equipment by then, maybe a few support wheels, or better yet, support skis, so that it works in deep snow too.

I'm looking forward to it.


CU soon on the road if snowy or sunny
